2022 yılının 9 aylık döneminde, turizm sektörünün bankalardan kullandığı toplam kredi 4,56 milyar Dolar arttı. Geçen yılın aynı dönemdeki artış 1,57 milyar Dolardı.(In the 9-month period of 2022, the total loans used by the tourism sector from banks increased by USD 4.56 billion. The increase in the same period of last year was 1.57 billion dollars.)

In the 9-month period of 2022, the total loans used by the tourism sector from banks increased by USD 4.56 billion. The increase in the same period of last year was 1.57 billion dollars.

Tourism loan in provinces in 2022

According to the calculation made by the Tourism Databank, the tourism statistics center, from the data of the BRSA, in the 9-month period of 2022, the total loans used by the tourism sector from banks increased by 4.56 billion dollars. The increase in the same period of last year was 1.57 billion dollars. The increase had increased to $ 6.46 billion during the pandemic process in 2020.

On the other hand, the amount of non-performing loans in tourism increased by $13.6 million. It had raised $24.4 million at this time last year. The increase had reached 435 million dollars during the pandemic process in 2020.

In the same period, non-cash loans also increased by $572.6 million. The increase in the same period last year was $18.1 million. The increase was based on $ 800 million during the pandemic process in 2020.

What was the distribution of tourism credits to the provinces?
What is the amount of non-performing loans in the provinces?