İspanya’ya gelen turist sayısı 2022 yılı ocak-kasım döneminde % 139 artarak 67 milyonu geçti Ülke 2019’da 78,8 milyon turist ağırlamıştı.(The number of tourists coming to Spain increased by 139% in the January-November period of 2022, exceeding 67 million. The country hosted 78.8 million tourists in 2019.)

The number of tourists coming to Spain increased by 139% in the January-November period of 2022, exceeding 67 million. The country hosted 78.8 million tourists in 2019.

Spain Reached 67 Million Tourists in 11 Months

According to the data compiled by the Tourism Databank, the tourism statistics center, from the Spanish National Institute of Statistics (INE), the number of tourists coming to Spain increased by 139% in the January-November period of 2022, exceeding 67 million. The country hosted 78.8 million tourists in 2019.
In the 11 months of 2022, the most tourist arrivals were from the UK. France followed the market with 9.4 million tourists. The country also hosted 9.3 million tourists from Germany. These markets were followed by the Netherlands, Scandinavia and Italy.

tourist coming to spain