Hotel constructions in Turkey
In the first quarter of 2022, the permits obtained for hotel constructions throughout Turkey doubled to 465. Approximately 25% of the construction permits, which include the new hotel, renovation and various improvements, are located in the Eastern Anatolia region, while 45% are located in the Aegean Region. The Mediterranean Region also has a 5% share.
Hotel investments in Eastern Anatolia
According to the information compiled by Turizmdatabank from TUIK data, the highest number of hotel construction permits is in the Eastern Anatolia region, while constructions in the provinces of Muş, Kars, Ağrı, Ardahan and Van increased significantly compared to the previous year. According to the data; The number of hotel construction permits is listed as follows: Muş 25, Kars 24, Ağrı 16, Ardahan 15 and Van 11.