Küresel uçak yolcusu trafiği büyümesine Asya-Pasifik bölgesi öncülük etti.

According to IATA, global airline passenger numbers reached 75% of 2019 in July 2022. The increase in passenger traffic in domestic markets was effective in this development.

Global air traffic rises with domestic markets

According to the monthly report of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the number of global airline passengers reached 75% of 2019 in July 2022, and the increase in passenger traffic in domestic markets was effective in the development. The Asia-Pacific region led the global air passenger traffic growth.

Air traffic in the regions

This month, passenger traffic in Asia increased by 528.8% compared to July 2021, according to the International Air Transport Association (IATA). The number of air passengers in Europe also increased by 115.6% compared to 2021. The increase in the Middle East region was also 193.1%. North America followed suit with a 129.2% increase in passenger traffic. Latin America also improved by 119.4% this month compared to 2021. Finally, Africa saw an increase of 84.8%.

Turkish airline passenger traffic

In the January-July period of 2022, the total of international and domestic passenger traffic at Turkey’s airports increased by 82 percent to 88.4 million. In the same period last year, the outbound-inbound passenger traffic was around 49 million.